Recap: CUNY DHI Lightning Talks Fall 2023
On 20, Feb 2024 | In Events of Interest, Resources | By Tuka Al-Sahlani
In Fall 2023, with the support of the DH community across CUNY, we held the Ninth Annual CUNY DHI Lightning Talks. For the first time, we held the event in a hybrid format, and hosted 25 presenters, 25 in person attendees, and more than 50 Zoom attendees. Presenters represented CUNY community colleges, senior colleges, and programs from The Graduate Center. The projects illuminated current work in digital pedagogy, archives, publishing, mapping, and more in the field of DH, showcasing the future of the field, especially as it enters more undergraduate courses across CUNY campuses.
Below you will find the program and the slides from the presenters. We hope to see you in our upcoming Lightning Talks!
Remember to join the Digital Humanities Initiative Group to keep abreast with the happenings of DH at CUNY.
Accepting Applications: GC Digital Research Institute, June 2016
On 11, Apr 2016 | In Events of Interest, Resources | By Mary Catherine Kinniburgh
Now Accepting Applications:
when:June 6-10, 2016
what: five-day intensive in digital research methods
where: The Graduate Center, CUNY
why: to equip our academic community with digital research skills
who: for CUNY graduate students, faculty and staff of all skill levels and disciplines (no previous digital experience required)
GC Digital Initiatives invites applications for the GC Digital Research Institute (GC DRI) on June 5-10, 2016 from 9:30-6:00 daily. This program builds on the success of the inaugural GC Digital Research Bootcamp, held in January 2016.
GC DRI offers CUNY graduate students, faculty, and staff an opportunity to develop digital research skills and to connect with others in an interdisciplinary environment. The week will begin with an introduction to the command line, git, Python, and databases for all students; participants will then have the opportunity to choose from a variety of more specific workshops on topics ranging from using APIs to the Natural Language Toolkit to machine learning.
The application will be open until 11:59pm on April 22nd, 2016; however, we recommend that interested participants apply early, as space is limited. Applicants who were waitlisted in January and who expressed interest in being automatically reconsidered need not re-apply; however, we encourage such applicants to fill out the application form again, as some fields have changed.
The GC DRI is sponsored by a CUNY Strategic Initiative Investment Grant and is free of charge. Programming has been developed in collaboration with our partners: Software Carpentry, the New York Public Library, Mozilla Science Lab, Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching, NYC Media Lab, and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute.
If you have questions or comments, please contact us using the form on our website. Stay up-to-date on the GC Digital Research Institute by following us on Twitter at @Digital_Fellows and checking out the #GCDRI hashtag.
Citizen Cartography @NYPL: Map Warper Workshop at the GC on 3/23
On 15, Mar 2016 | In Events of Interest, Resources | By Mary Catherine Kinniburgh
GC Digital Initiatives and CUNY DHI invite you to attend a special workshop in collaboration with the New York Public Library. Please join us for “Citizen Cartography @NYPL!”
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Room C203, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Register in advance on our EventBrite page
The New York Public Library’s Map Warper is a free online crowdsourcing tool that enables librarians and the general public to align digital images of historical maps with today’s map through a process called georectification, or “warping” maps. As part of NYPL’s ongoing commitment to creating new publicly available resources and building new platforms for historical research, the Library has set out to warp over 4,000 maps!
In this hands-on workshop, we will give you an overview of the NYPL Map Warper tool (available at as well as get you started warping maps. Come learn more about how to use this tool and the ways in which it can impact your research. For more information, watch the tutorial at, or send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].
This workshop is free and open to the public. Please register in advance to attend at
Digital Humanities Syllabi
On 06, Jun 2011 | In Resources | By Matthew K. Gold
Do you teach a digital humanities course? Let us know by leaving a comment on this post. We’ll add it to the DH Syllabi page of the CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide, which is published on the wiki of the CUNY Academic Commons. I’ve embedded the DH Syllabi wiki page below.
DH Syllabi
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Introducing The CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide
On 21, Sep 2010 | In Resources | By Matthew K. Gold
The CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative is delighted to announce the launch of a new collaborative publication: The CUNY Digital Humanities Resource Guide. Presenting a well-researched and annotated view of the field, the guide will serve as a broad introduction to DH for newcomers by offering a balanced archive of best practices, ongoing projects, and disciplinary debates.
The guide covers a wide range of subjects, including Defining the Digital Humanities, Hot Topics, Sample Projects, DH Syllabi, and Conferences and Events. Check out the Table of Contents for the full range of topics.
The initial version of the guide is just that — a beginning. As you read through the guide, please let us know whether you have corrections or additional information to share with us. As the Using This Guide page shows, the wiki itself is editable only by members of the CUNY Academic Commons, but non-CUNY contributors can add to the guide in the following ways:
* Tag items on delicious with cunydhi
* Tweet us at @cunydhi
* Email your comments to [email protected]
* Leave a comment on this post
We very much hope to have your input, so please do not hesitate to get in touch with suggestions, corrections, and comments.
The initial version of the guide was created by Charlie Edwards, a graduate student in the Ph.D. Program in English and the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program at The CUNY Graduate Center, in consultation with ITP faculty member Matthew K. Gold. We are thankful to CUNY Academic Commons Wiki Wrangler Scott Voth for helping format it for the wiki. Future versions of the guide will be produced collaboratively by the members of the CUNY DHI — and the DH community at large.
We hope that the guide will provide a useful starting point for others just entering the DH conversation, and we urge you to help us improve it!
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