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2015 May



In Uncategorized

By Erin Glass

Program for MEDIA RES #1: lightning talks by NYC graduate students on DH projects

On 08, May 2015 | In Uncategorized | By Erin Glass

2:00 – 3:30 pm, Friday, May 8th, 2015

CUNY Graduate Center, Room C415A







Jeffrey Binder

English – Graduate Center

The Distance Machine: Expectation and Surprise in the Navigation of Digital Collections


Julia Fuller

English – Graduate Center

Recovering Victorian Iconography, Reframing the Dissertation: A DH Project in Progress


Erin Glass

English – Graduate Center

Affordances of Writing Technologies


Collin Jennings

NYU – English

Too Big a Tale: Old and New Forms of Magnitude for Representing the Past


Jojo Karlin

MALS/English – Graduate Center

TwitterBot Thoughts



Mary Catherine Kinniburgh

English – Graduate Center

Mapping the Deep and the Digital: Place Names in the Icelandic Outlaw Sagas


Grace Afsari-Mamagani

English – NYU

Digital Spatiality and the Politics of Blackness


Jesse Merandy

English – Graduate Center



Aaron Plasek

English/History – NYU/Columbia

Fail Better: On Algorithmic “Transparency” as Critical Procedure




Christy Pottroff

English – Fordham

Mapping the Mail: from Archive to Neatline


Jonathan Reeve

English – NYU / Columbia


an application of language history to literary criticism


Patrick Smyth

English – Graduate Center

DH Box: A Digital Humanities Laboratory in the Cloud


Chris Vitale

MALS – Graduate Center





In Events of Interest

By Erin Glass

MEDIA RES #1: lightning talks by NYC graduate students on DH projects

On 07, May 2015 | In Events of Interest | By Erin Glass

5860917235_76d00165f0_b-300x233 TIME: 2:00 – 3:30 pm, Friday, May 8th, 2015

ROOM: CUNY Graduate Center, Room C415A

FOCUS: English & Literary Studies

NYC has more graduate students executing projects in the digital humanities than perhaps anywhere else in the world. Even so, few venues exist that make visible the diverse set of methods, philosophies, and inquiries that drive this graduate student work in English Studies. Media Res #1 will present a wide array of approaches to theoretically-informed questions through a series of 12 five-minute lightning talks by graduate students doing student-driven digital humanities research in NYC. These talks and the subsequent discussions the talks engender will serve as a useful entry to point into DH for students who might otherwise not know where to start. Equally important, Media Res #1 will foster a burgeoning network of graduate student scholars working across academic institutions to collaborate on intellectual inquiry, share knowledge and practical expertise in DH, and inspire confidence and mutual support. This event will conclude with a moderated discussion inviting speakers and audience alike to explore how universities might better support and promote ongoing student-driven DH work.

While Media Res #1 highlights student DH projects in English and literature, future Media Res events will explore DH work in different disciplines, formats, and venues. Any questions or suggestions for future Media Res events should be directed to Erin Glass ( or Aaron Plasek (

Panelists include: Jeffrey Binder (Graduate Center), Mary Catherine Kinniburgh (Graduate Center), Patrick Smyth (Graduate Center), Jojo Karlin (Graduate Center), Erin Glass (Graduate Center), Julia Fuller (Graduate Center), Chris Vitale (Graduate Center), Jesse Merandy (Graduate Center), Collin Jennings (NYU), Grace Afsari-Mamagani (NYU), Jon Reeve (NYU), Aaron Plasek (NYU & Columbia), and Christy Pottroff (Fordham).

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