Tuka Al-Sahlani
Recap: CUNY DHI Lightning Talks 2024
On 10, Dec 2024 | In Events of Interest, Organizational Info | By Tuka Al-Sahlani
On Tuesday, November 19, 2024, with the support of the DH community across CUNY, we held the Tenth Annual CUNY DHI Lightning Talks. The event was a hybrid event with 22 presenters, 35 in-person and 29 virtual attendees. The Lightning Talks were also live streamed for the general public. Our program began with a keynote talk from Andie Silva, Associate Professor of English (York College) and Digital Humanities (Graduate Center), titled “The DH Syllabus as Archive: Digital Pedagogy, Feminist Citation, and Sustainability.” Following the keynote presentation, the Lightning Talks presenters shared with us their completed and/or on-going projects using the 3 minute/3 slides format. Presenters represented CUNY community colleges, senior colleges, and programs from The Graduate Center. The projects illuminated current work in digital pedagogy, archives, publishing, platform development, and more in the field of DH, showcasing the future of the field.
Below you will find the program and the slides from the presenters. We hope to see you in our upcoming Lightning Talks!
Remember to join the Digital Humanities Initiative Group to keep abreast with the happenings of DH at CUNY.
Call for Participation: DHI Lightning Talks Fall 2024
On 15, Oct 2024 | In Events of Interest, Organizational Info | By Tuka Al-Sahlani
It’s that time of year!
Are you a member of the CUNY community working on a digital humanities project or question? Would you like to connect with other CUNY faculty, students, and staff working in digital humanities?
Sign up to attend and/or to present your digital humanities project, research, or questions with students, faculty, and staff from across CUNY’s campuses.
What: 10th Annual CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative Lightning Talks
When: Tuesday, November 19th 2024
Time: 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Where: Hybrid: Graduate Center Rooms 9205/9206 (9F) and Zoom
How to participate: In-person or synchronous Zoom options available
Lightning talks are informal, 3-minute / 3-slide presentations that offer a brief insight into your digital humanities project, research, or question. Projects at any stage–whether just beginning, in-development, or completed–are welcome! The audience includes a diverse community of engaged CUNY students and colleagues who are eager to hear about your project and offer feedback.
As a presenter, you will have the option to either: 1) present live over Zoom or 2) join us in person in rooms 9205/9206 (9F) of the CUNY Graduate Center. We welcome first-time presenters, as well as those who have participated in past CUNY DHI Lightning Talks. Learn more about some projects and past presentations on the CUNY DHI website.
Register to attend or present (both in-person and via Zoom) at http://cuny.is/cunygcdi24.
After registering, presenters should submit their proposals to http://cuny.is/presentdhi24 by Friday, November 8th 2024.
Presenters’ slides will be due by Friday, November 15th 2024 and made available after the event on our CUNY DHI blog.
This event is free and open to all CUNY students, faculty, and staff.
Visit cuny.is/cunydhi for more info.
Recap: CUNY DHI Lightning Talks Fall 2023
On 20, Feb 2024 | In Events of Interest, Resources | By Tuka Al-Sahlani
In Fall 2023, with the support of the DH community across CUNY, we held the Ninth Annual CUNY DHI Lightning Talks. For the first time, we held the event in a hybrid format, and hosted 25 presenters, 25 in person attendees, and more than 50 Zoom attendees. Presenters represented CUNY community colleges, senior colleges, and programs from The Graduate Center. The projects illuminated current work in digital pedagogy, archives, publishing, mapping, and more in the field of DH, showcasing the future of the field, especially as it enters more undergraduate courses across CUNY campuses.
Below you will find the program and the slides from the presenters. We hope to see you in our upcoming Lightning Talks!
Remember to join the Digital Humanities Initiative Group to keep abreast with the happenings of DH at CUNY.
Call for Participation: DHI Lightning Talks Fall 2023
On 27, Oct 2023 | In Events of Interest, Uncategorized | By Tuka Al-Sahlani
Are you working on a digital humanities project or query at CUNY? Then sign up to present your digital humanities project, research, or questions with students, faculty, and staff from across CUNY’s campuses.
What: 9th Annual CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative Lightning Talks
When: Tuesday, November 14th 2023
Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: Hybrid: Graduate Center Segal Theatre (1F) / Zoom
How to participate: In-person or synchronous Zoom options available
Lightning talks are informal, 3-minute / 3-slide presentations that offer a brief insight into your digital humanities project, research, or question. Projects at any stage–whether just beginning, in-development, or completed–are welcome! The audience includes a diverse community of engaged CUNY students and colleagues who are eager to hear about your project and offer feedback.
As a presenter, you will have the option to either: 1) present live over Zoom or 2) join us in the Graduate Center’s Segal Theater (1F) to present in-person. We encourage you to participate in whichever way you feel most comfortable. For either option, please submit your slides by Tuesday, November 7th so we can add them to the event slide deck. Slides will be made available after the event on our CUNY DHI blog.
We welcome first-time presenters, as well as those who have participated in past CUNY DHI Lightning Talks. Learn more about some projects and past presentations on the CUNY DHI website.
Following presentations, participants and attendees will have an opportunity to socialize and ask questions in a general discussion.
This event is free and open to all CUNY students, faculty, and staff.
Sign up to present or attend using this form.
Visit cuny.is/cunydhi for more info.
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