Feb. 23: Patrik Svensson on “Designing the Digital Humanities”
On 17, Feb 2011 | In Meetings | By Charlie Edwards
We are delighted that on Wednesday, February 23, we will be hosting Patrik Svensson, director of HUMlab at Umeå University, Sweden, for a talk entitled “Designing the Digital Humanities.”
Patrik tells us: “The digital humanities are being built and negotiated at this point in time by universities, departments, scholars, programmers, funding agencies, construction workers and various other people and institutions. Drawing on my four-article series on the digital humanities and my own take on the field, I will talk about understanding, building and designing the digital humanities. I will use HUMlab at Umeå University as a starting point, and will also be showing some material – including photos and film clips – from the lab. The discussion will range from visions and design parameters to material manifestations such as a brand-new led-based ceiling light fixture/screen and a plant wall. Questions raised include: What choices do we need to make? What are the underlying visions? What basic values are important? What cyberinfrastructure do we need? Can there be a no-tent digital humanities? What is the advantage of physical lab or studio spaces? Can the digital humanities change the world (or at least the academy)? I combine analytical work on the digital humanities as a field and project with a strong engagement in the future of the field.”
Patrik’s talk launches our public meetings for the Spring semester (see the full schedule), and is co-sponsored by the CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative and the CUNY Digital Studies Group, in partnership with The Center for the Humanities at The Graduate Center, CUNY.
Please join us for this exciting event.
Time & place: Wednesday, February 23, 2011, 6:30pm-8:30pm, CUNY Graduate Center, Room 9205.
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