October 24: Bernard Frischer on “Modeling the Past: New Projects of The Virtual World Heritage Laboratory”
On 08, Oct 2012 | In Meetings, Video | By Charlie Edwards
Please join the CUNY Digital Studies/Digital Humanities Seminar on Wednesday October 24 when we will welcome Bernard Frischer, Director of the Virtual World Heritage Laboratory at University of Virginia, to discuss the VWHL’s work modeling Hadrian’s Villa, a World Heritage Site. The villa is being recreated in 3D by the VWHL and used as a test-bed for experiments in Roman cultural geography.
The video of this even can be accessed here:
Thank you to the CUNY Graduate Center Videography Fellows Program for their work on this video (link here:
“Modeling the Past: New Projects of The Virtual World Heritage Laboratory”
Bernard Frischer (University of Virginia)
Co-Sponsored by the M.A. Program in Liberal Studies
Wednesday October 24, 2012, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Room C201/202, CUNY Graduate Center
With generous funding from an anonymous donor and the National Science Foundation, and in close cooperation with the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del Lazio, an international team has been creating a restoration model of Hadrian’s Villa, a World Heritage Site, and the best-preserved imperial villa in the hinterland of Rome. The model includes terrain, gardens, water features, sculpture, buildings, furnishings, and avatars representing members of the imperial court. The IDIA Lab at Ball State University, a partner in the project, has taken the 3D model and ported it to the game engine Unity3D, so that it is possible to explore the reconstructed villa interactively over the Internet. This talk will present the project, its history, goals, current state, and future prospects.
Bernard Frischer is Director of the Virtual World Heritage Laboratory, University of Virginia. A leading digital humanist, he is the author of several books, including Shifting Paradigms: New Approaches to Horace’s Ars Poetica, and The Sculpted Word: Epicureanism and Philosophical Recruitment, and dozens of articles on virtual heritage, classics, and the survival of the classical world. In 2005, Frischer was given the Pioneer Award of the International Society on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. In 2009, he was the recipient of the Tartessus Lifetime Achievement Prize from the Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology, and in 2010-11 he held the Senior Prize Fellowship of the Zukunftskolleg at the University of Konstanz.
Many thanks to the Center for the Humanities for sponsoring the CUNY Digital Studies/Digital Humanities Seminar series of events.
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